Everything you need to know to start and operate a successful permanent jewelry business.

What Will You Receive With Your Permanent Jewelry Training Course
in The Ultimate Permanent Jewelry Training Course
Over 35+ training videos
Over 80+ pages of written Information and editable forms
of course completion
Complete Training and Life Time Support
From an Expert in the Field
Dana Ho

Dana has over 30 years of experience and in-depth knowledge of the jewelry industry. She has done it all: selling handmade jewelry at markets and pop ups to pay for tuition for her fine arts studies and MBA; operating a retail store; wholesaling components to jewelry designers, and now permanent jewelry artists, all over the world. She has worked with factories around the world, visiting and learning from their processes and technology.
This full permanent jewelry training course was, with completion certificate, written and designed by Dana, whom you’ve seen through our YouTube Channel.
Learning Permanent Jewelry is not just knowing how to weld!
In our permanent jewelry training course you be given all the building blocks to start your business the right way.
What to expect from our course
- Step-by-step video tutorials from our PJ Expert
- Weld like a pro in just a few days
- Downloadable PDF guides and customizable templates
- Access to exclusive marketing and pricing strategies
- Detailed instructions on machinery setup and troubleshooting
- Product knowledge and customer service tips
- Customer support and booking system insights
- Lifetime access to course materials