Jeweler’s Lacquer
What do you do when your pendant has tarnished and you’re not loving the patina?!? I’d ruined the pink sapphire pendant in a previous video when I dunked a gold-plated copper set pendant into silver blackener and seemed to have totally destroyed it. By the way, someone wrote in and told us they loved the look of the blackened metal with the stone and wanted to buy some silver blackener. I fully encouraged them to embrace the tarnish because it is beautiful and jewelry design is a matter of taste, however, I wanted to see what happened when I buffed away the top tarnished layer and how much effort it would require.
I buffed away the top layer using a medium grit satin buffing wheel (you can do this with fine steel wool and some elbow grease) revealing the copper underneath. It looked exactly like rose gold, I then lacquered it. Voila! I now have a rose gold coloured pendant. Some pendants are gold plated over silver, so removing the top layer will give you something else. Just roll with it! Consider it an adventure in jewelry making!!!
Here’s the video where I captured the process of buffing and salvaging the piece: