How to Start a Permanent Jewelry Business – 5 steps to launch and operate a successful PJ business

How to Start a Permanent Jewelry Business – 5 steps to launch and operate a successful PJ business

What do I need to start a Permanent Jewelry Business? 

I get asked this a lot because there is a huge demand for permanent jewelry – it is the next wave and is even bigger than Pandora bracelets.  

I am going to list for you what you will need to start a permanent jewelry business. Here is a video on all of the costs involved in each, and I will link to it.  Here, I will list out for you what you need along with this checklist detailing all the items needed to start a Permanent Jewelry Business.

Step 1: Get Your Welder

You will need to research and purchase the best welder and tools that will suit your budget and needs.

Micro welder comparison video Everything you need checklist Micro welder comparison chart

Step 2: Materials

You will need chains and components to weld with. Keep in mind that because permanent jewelry will be worn for months and years, the metal must be durable, non-fading and high grade.

Starter kits Chain Jump rings Cutters Pliers Protection Glasses Protective Patch Charms and Pendants Connectors

Step 3: Training and Practice – Master the Craft 

You will need to master welding.  It’s not hard to do and there are free and paid lessons, as well as communities to join for support.  Be sure leave yourself some time to practice, not just welding, but to be comfortable with customers and knowledgeable to give them the best experience possible. 

SF Tutorials Free Resources SF Blog

Step 4: Business plan and Marketing – Figure out Your Game Plan

From securing money to creating a marketing strategy, you need to know how you will run the business and get the word out there.

Pricing Strategy PJ Business Strategy - Refund Policy and Tips Everything you Need to Know About Pop-up Events Lighting for Social Media

Step 5: Build Your Empire 

You have your equipment, the supplies and game plan – now you need to work it!  Work hard and keep revising your game plan with every piece of new information you gain. You are on your way to building your Empire.

PJ Match Finder

Click here to watch the full explanation video of what you need to start a Permanent Jewelry Business.